Bridge your reach to your audience

Perhaps you came out with a creative product that carries all the ingredients for success, but it remains the same in its first appearance, accompanied by fading and lack of fame, so you wonder about the reason for this problem and you are still dealing with it until you realize the result: the absence of digital campaigns!, which is the main engine of e-marketing.

In this article, we will take you on a tour through which we will learn about digital campaigns and their steps.


Digital campaigns are:


Creative outputs published and promoted on social media platforms; To reflect the messages and agenda of the organization/establishment in order to achieve a goal.


Why digital campaigns?


·        Educating consumers about a particular product/service.

·        Consolidate the brand and remind people that it still exists.

·        Searching for new clients, depending on the platform that the campaign owner will use.


Digital Campaign Steps


Of course, there are steps that must be followed to create and implement campaigns, which are:

1.      Determine the communicative goal and sub-goals.

2.     Study the current situation and competitors.

3.     Determine the target audience.

4.     Choose the right platform for the recipients.

5.     Campaign launch.


Measuring the performance of the campaign, did it succeed?, and how did it affect?, were the objectives achieved, what were the mistakes that were made, and what were the strengths that characterized it...etc.


Digital campaign platforms:


-        Google

-        Twitter

-        Instagram

-        Snapchat

-        TikTok


Final Flash


Digital campaigns are a vital indicator of the progress of the e-marketing process, and their presence reflects its success, and when they are absent, the marketing results remain inaccurate.

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